New workshop and coaching opportunities available! I’m here to help you on your writing journey.
New here? Hi! Here are some FAQs:
What’s with The Carousel Capers?
You can read The Carousel Capers, a series of short, magical, horsey mysteries set before Beauty and the Alchemist, in a free ebook after signing up to my newsletter here.
And if you’d like a deluxe print edition of The Carousel Capers, find it here!
Where’s the “Beyond Writing” blog?
Find the latest tips and writing prompts over on my Substack, here.
Check out the page titled “Blog” in the top menu for archived posts.
What do you actually write?
Fairy tale-inspired cozy mystery/cozy fantasy (The Alchemical Tales)
Cozy fantasy romance (Pomegranate Café Romance)
Pure cozy fantasy (Marine Magic)
Warm, humorous, curious stories about welcoming communities that will help you find your inner strength!