In honor of the release of Beauty and the Alchemist this month, I’m letting the characters take over the blog. Today’s post comes from William, a magical familiar known for his sass. Enjoy! –Elle

Of course Red went and used a quote to speak for her yesterday! Don’t expect the same from me. I have plenty to say. Although apparently I can’t say most of it, because I’m not supposed to “spoil” the story . . .

I’ve been traveling with Red for a long time, and before that I traveled on my own a lot, too. (Before that I lived with the sorcerer who created me, but that’s a different story. Plus it’s boring.) My point is, I’ve seen a lot and I know a lot. And I know something big that Red doesn’t know: when she settled in Belville, she thought she was just doing it for work–you know, “wonderful natural resources for potions” and “great place to sell to traders” and all those other things she says–but what she really wanted was a home.

That’s not too much of a spoiler, is it?

Well, I said it anyway.

Some people who won’t be named just think of me as just a big loyal dog. In only one particular, they’re right: I’ll go wherever Red goes. It doesn’t matter to me where we settle down. What does matter to me is that Red finds what she needs to find (because she was getting a little strange and mopey being on the road all the time, let me tell you). Though I might have preferred she find it in a place with fewer haunted castles and suspicious ghosts . . . and, you know, murders.

That said, I do enjoy the gossip around Market Square, and the view of the stars at night is perfect. Starting tomorrow, you can come and see for yourself.

That’s it from William, but if you’d like to know what he’s talking about, Beauty and the Alchemist is officially listed on most sites, and even available for preorder in some stores! Check it out by following this link: