Happy Arbor Day!!

Last week I had a lot of fun sharing ideas for celebrating Earth Day. But Arbor Day, traditionally celebrated either on the last Friday in April or on a good tree-planting date in your area (seriously–just check here!), is a little different. I have the feeling it’s a little less popular than Earth Day. Maybe that’s because Arbor Day focuses solely on trees . . . And really, what’s to love about trees?

Well . . .

  • Without trees, we wouldn’t have paper to read our books on (or it’d be a very different kind of paper . . . I for one am not eager to see parchment return, haha)
  • Without trees, we’d also have a hard time reading due to a lack of clean air
  • With trees, we can have lovely and comfortable shaded outdoor spots for reading

And the list goes on. (Probably even with a few non-reading-related items thrown in.) 😉

I only have one suggestion for celebrating Arbor Day (other than hugging a tree)–check your local government or university extension service: they may have free trees for you! If I remember correctly, in our town they’re offering up to five free saplings per resident.

And whether or not you go out in search of free trees, have a happy Friday! We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled research content next week. 🙂