Okay, technically, we’re just over two weeks away from the launch of Beauty and the Alchemist on August 12. But with the way time is speeding up for me (is it just me? oh boy), those extra few days will be gone before I know it!

And since we’re getting so close, you may have noticed that I’ve been especially annoying–ahem, active–on social media lately. But if you haven’t, I wanted to extend an invitation. Not to social media itself–we all have varying feelings about that!–but to join the conversation. 🙂

I’ve opened up the vault, so to speak! If you have any questions–for me, for my characters, about my books, about writing–send them to me and I’ll answer them. Yes, on social media. But I’ll also email you if you’d prefer. 😉 You can get me your questions by commenting on this post or by emailing me at info (at) ellehartford.com. (Standing on top of your roof and shouting them is not advised.) After all, the whole point of publishing is that it’s for the community, right? 😀