So, this month I am releasing the ebook & print versions of The Carousel Capers–“yes, yes, we know that already,” you say. Okay! Well, to celebrate mythical horses in general, today’s “Fun Fact Friday” is all about a cousin of the unicorn.

The karkadann can be found in ancient Persian and Arabian folklore. Though today we often compare it to the unicorn, it was originally supposed to resemble a stag or even rhinoceros, with a lion’s tail and yellow hooves. Its one horn was black and crescent-shaped. And unlike the unicorn, the karkadann was known for being extremely aggressive and fierce, not to mention very loud. Despite that danger, it was still rumored that the karkadann’s horn had healing powers.
According to some stories, ancient Macedonians thought that Alexander the Great’s horse, Bucephalus, might be a karkadann–particularly because of his wild temperament.
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Selected Sources
This page, “Karkadann” from Myths and Folklore Wiki, has some good info especially about the word “karkadann” itself.
This entry on Cryptid Wiki includes a description and an amusing section on evidence of the creature.
This article on includes some neat pictures and some notes about legends.