Earth Day 2022 is upon us! Earth Day has a special place in my heart. I’ll be out in my garden today, planting native plants and maybe sharing a few extra treats with the local birds. But what about my writing, and my characters, you ask? Do fairy tales and Earth Day really mix?

Of course!

Just for fun, here are some suggestions for celebrating from notable faces around Belville:

  • RED: make a special fertilizer or growth potion for your plants. Or, if you aren’t the alchemical type, go foraging! (Just make 100% sure you know what you’re picking before you pick it.)
  • WILLIAM: spend time observing nature in its “rightful” place–that is, on the opposite side of the window pane, while you relax in the window seat. Then, when it’s quiet, go for a night time walk under the stars.
  • OFFICER THORN: organize some friends, family, or neighbors–really anyone handy–and get to work! Plant native species, pick up litter, or spread the word about environmental initiatives.
  • LUCA: read an environmental classic like Never Cry Wolf, Silent Spring, or A Walk in the Woods. Then talk your friends’ ears off about it until they agree to read it, too.
  • TRENT: take note of everything you get from the earth around you, and show it a little appreciation. You don’t have to outright hug a tree, but maybe take a minute to think about your habits: are the things you do aligned with the things you want to see in the world?
  • DUSTY: even better than recycling is re-purposing! Buy something used, swap items with someone else, donate items rather than throwing them away, or–Dusty’s favorite option–fix something broken instead of discarding it.
  • GLORIA: go on a long, solitary ramble in the woods. “Forest bathing” is a real concept, after all, and what with the noise of everyone celebrating, some peace and quiet will be much needed!

However you decide to observe Earth Day, I hope you find joy and, for even a brief moment, that expansive feeling of being connected to the rest of the world.