Today is a quick PSA: my friends on Instagram are hosting an awesome challenge for the entire month of February: Rock the Turvy Writing Challenge!

As part of the challenge, each day in February writers are given a prompt (hiking in the woods, at the zoo, etc) and asked to write a short story and attach a song to the scene as well. The hosts were nice enough to tell us the prompts ahead of time so we could prepare. And since I am so organized (sometimes) I already have my songs and stories all set! It’s going to be so much fun. Due to the jumbled-up nature of the prompts, I’m treating the entire challenge as a mixtape-retelling of a story. The scenes will be out of order at first, but as February goes on, it will all come together!

The basic guidelines are in the “featured photo” above, but check out @writertracybrown for more info. Everyone’s welcome to join in. 😀 And if you just want to follow along, be sure to follow me (and the hosts!) on Instagram or Facebook.

And in the meantime if you want something more research-y, check out Radiolab’s five part mini-series called “Mixtape.” Very interesting stuff!