Seeing as it’s prime vacation season, I figured, why not take Fun Fact Fridays on the road? 😉 For the month of July, we’re touring a historical archive where fantastical beings and things that go bump in the night lurk. So far we’ve seen witches, fairy tales, and beasts. Today’s subject? Ghosts.
Mostly, today’s post is just an excuse to share a fun illustration from days gone by . . .

Classic, right? Proof that the ghost as a spooky person in a sheet was around long before Scooby Doo!
Now, since ghosts don’t lend themselves to being photographed (save as spooky orbs . . . 😉 ), I figured I’d throw in a little unexpected ancient history for this post, too. Because all ghosts are remnants of the past, right? 🙂
Check out this neat cuneiform tablet, found in the basement at the university! Because basements are the perfect place for storing centuries-old archaeological artifacts, haha. The translation is hard to read but essentially, it’s all humdrum “may the gods bless my lineage . . .” and so on. Not every ancient tablet holds the key to a mysterious curse. 😉

Many thanks to the Drew University archive, and Erich Huhn and Mary Cannaday in particular! 😀