It’s spring! And appropriately enough, there’s been a burst of fresh activity behind the scenes in my office. Today’s post is a bit of a round up and teaser at the same time.
First of all, I recently was a guest writer on Damyanti Biswas’ author blog. Check out my article for her on how to start and manage an author newsletter! I loved pulling my experience and research together into one concise list of steps, and I’m so happy with the feedback so far. In the future, I might even devise workshops or classes on the topic . . .
. . . And speaking of! Not only do I have new ideas, I have some new logos. If you visit the main site, you’ll notice some changes. Like this snazzy new look for “Beyond Writing”:

And some fun twists on the phrase “cozy mystery” and “cozy fantasy” . . . because I’m already getting a little tired of writing “cozy mystery/cozy fantasy” everywhere, haha.

Why all this interest in trimmings? Well, my goal is to build on my workshop experience (in just over one week!) at the Liberty States Writers’ Conference. I’ll always keep writing and publishing, of course, but I’m also going to be actively putting together workshops, resources, and even courses to help other self-publishing authors and writers. I want to create a magical, cozy space within the genre . . . and then share it!
What do you think? If you have any burning questions about self-publishing, work-life balance, motivation, or writing, let me know and I may incorporate them into a future post, conference, or class! 😀
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