Tag History

Poisoned & Deadly

Part of an ongoing series in which I share fun tidbits from story research. Enjoy!

Metal of Heaven: Iron

Part of an ongoing series in which I share tidbits from story research. Enjoy!

The Moon’s Metal

Part of an ongoing series in which I share tidbits from story research. Enjoy!

All That Glitters . . .

Part of an ongoing series in which I share fun tidbits from story research. Enjoy!

Cousin of Mermaids: the Selkie

Part of an ongoing series in which I share fun tidbits from story research. Enjoy!

Celebrating What We Have

Musings on goals, imposter syndrome, and the historic holiday Lughnasadh.

Trials of the Tin Man

Part of an ongoing series in which I share fun tidbits from story research. Enjoy!

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Why So Blue?

Part of an ongoing series in which I share fun tidbits from story research. Enjoy!

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Isaac Newton and the Philosopher’s Stone

Part of an ongoing series in which I share fun tidbits from story research. Enjoy!

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Ancient Wisdom Revealed: The Emerald Tablet of Hermes

Part of an ongoing series in which I share fun tidbits from story research. Enjoy!

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