In honor of the release of Beauty and the Alchemist this month, I’m letting the characters take over the blog. Today’s post comes from Gloria, Red’s neighbor and–quite frankly–her nemesis. Enjoy! –Elle
I can’t imagine Red and her friends are actually interested in what I have to say. But since I’m here, I may as well point something out. If you just take a moment to think about what life is like in Belville . . .

. . . is it any wonder I have to get out from time to time? Look at how small that town is. And look at how big the forest is. See? Just because I was out in the woods when a murder happened to take place doesn’t make me Suspect Number One.
Or it shouldn’t, anyway.
Honestly. What else would you do in Belville? Go up on the mountain, where there’s an actual working mine? Or hang out by the lake, where people are constantly going back and forth and hauling smelly fish around? And don’t even get me started on the hills southeast of town, where the Witch lives in his Hut. I think it’s pretty obvious that the only good direction to wander in is northeast. And is it my fault that there happens to be a haunted castle out that way?
No. It isn’t, thank you very much.