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Death Pulls the Strings is Live!

It’s finally here–release day! 😀 And just what, you may ask, is Death Pulls the Strings? Well . . . Death Pulls the Strings is book six in The Alchemical Tales. In it, Red and her friends head to the… Continue Reading →

ReTold Tales: NaNoWriMo

November is here already! While I get my act together, here’s a post from last year all about NaNoWriMo. Savvy readers will notice that at the end I talk about working on a “light-hearted spin-off”–which became Worthy in Love. This… Continue Reading →

Revising Tips 102

Two weeks back, I wrote a very basic “Revising Tips 101.” Well, as the final edits for Death Pulls the Strings come to a close, here’s a follow-up with a few more hints! Whether you’re revising a draft before sending… Continue Reading →

Hidden Services: Bookfunnel

Hey everyone! I’m taking a break from my regularly-scheduled programming (read: editing, haha) to feature a “hidden gem,” so to speak, of the indie world. I’m fresh from an authors’ workshop over the weekend and realizing that I may have… Continue Reading →

Revising Tips 101

A mini-course on “Revising Tips 101” for all my author friends out there–indie authors and aspiring authors especially!

Having Pride in Where You Are

A finalist, but not first place! Recently my book was named a Silver Falchion Finalist; the contest results have me thinking about pride.

Autumn Revisited

The fall equinox—which this year is [Saturday, September 23]!—marks the beginning of autumn. It’s also the pagan holiday Mabon.

A Permission Slip

One indie author’s approach to using “permission slips” to support herself during a busy and stressful time.

Blogging, Newsletters, Subscriptions: Which Platform is Best?

With many options for blogging and newsletters, it’s tough to choose as an indie author. It all comes down to intention, audience, and time.

Happy September! Blog Changes Incoming

Hey everyone! This is just a brief note to say that, now that fall is in the air, I may be making some changes to the blog moving forward. This is especially true for these “Fun Fact” posts at the… Continue Reading →

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