In honor of the release of Cold as Snow this month, I’m letting the characters take over the blog. Today’s post comes from Trent, Belville’s local Witch, who’s here to share some good news. Enjoy! –Elle

Hey. So, I don’t know who the others did it, but I figure I should introduce myself. My name’s Trent, and I’m stationed in Belville. I mostly do small charms, but I’m also really into animation. And lately everyone’s been asking me for healing potions . . .

That’s how they teach you to introduce yourself in Witch school: name, town, specialties. I’ve actually only been in Belville for less than a year. Up until then, I was in school, of course. I guess they figured I was ready to leave–or maybe they were just tired of me bringing the school brooms and chalkboard erasers to life. They probably didn’t realize at the time how many murders happen in Belville, though. Otherwise I’m not sure they would have sent me.

But don’t tell anyone I said that, okay? I’m actually really glad I’m in Belville. And to prove it, look: I’m sharing my latest adventure with Officer Thorn and Red–Cold as Snow! Okay, maybe I didn’t write it, but I’m totally going to take credit for it being widely available today. That was all due to me and my magic. 😉

Okay, I guess that’s enough, right? I have to get back to my breakfast. The bacon smells like it might be burning . . .

That’s it from Trent! Whether it was because of him or not, the fact remains that after a long wait, Cold as Snow is finally on Amazon and other retailers! Check it out wherever you buy books by following this link: