Hey friends! Boy, oh, boy, has the writing been going well this week. Maybe too well. Believe it or not I ran out of time today to do my scheduled Friday blog. Instead, I’m pasting below a social media ramble in honor of my old “Friday Fears” posts, which historically were just on IG/FB, but have a similar feel to the Wednesday “Honest Audit” posts from last month. In any case, here you go!

Coney looks like she’s scheming, doesn’t she? 😆 [photo above!]

I wanted to include her in my post today because I’m feeling #fridayfear energy. (That’s an old series of posts from me going through various indie fears, with a cute rabbit guide!) Coney’s set up in front of the draft I’m working on . . . A draft which is very nearly done.

Right now I’m working on draft 1 of the second novella in the Pomegranate Cafe Romance series. It’s really affecting me, so let’s get lost in the weeds for a minute while I talk it through, okay? 😊

If you’ve made it to Cold as Snow, you’ve met Rowan. And if you’ve read past that, you’ve probably met Rowan and Daisy, too.

Daisy is reclusive. We only glimpse her in The Alchemical Tales. But she has her own deeply important drama going on, and in my current draft, we dive into that.

Daisy is bright and true and kind, just like the flower she’s named for. But she has a problem. She feels strongly that she needs to protect someone, but she has made mistakes. She’s not sure if she’s needed any more or if she’s the best person for the job. She wants to do what is right, but she can’t figure out what that is.

I’ve talked before about how all my characters face issues that somehow, in some small way, resonate with things I myself have faced. I’m definitely not the only writer who writes that way, and I think it’s one of the best things about stories.

Daisy’s crisis is especially getting to me.

Today I finished writing a big confrontation, where Daisy is reminded of her limits. She’s taking too much on. In her effort to do what is right, she is assuming too much responsibility for the rest of the world–without even noticing it.

I like to think I’m not that way any more, but I have been there in the past. And I have been convinced that I had to be the best or special or somehow *more* in order to have a place. That’s the part of Daisy’s struggle that’s resonating.

I suppose that, even though I left that belief and those behaviors behind–to the best of my ability–I’ve been afraid to take the next step, which is actually *trusting* that I have a place already. No matter what.

So thank you, Daisy, for reminding me to let go of that fear. 💗

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