Here’s wishing everyone a wonderfully cozy day!!

I must admit, I’m not only happy because of a national day for cozies. It is a fun holiday, though! You can read all about it here in an article by Sarah Weldon, the author who created the day (and chose Agatha Christie’s birthday as the date). In the article she defines the genre and talks about wanting equality — that is, recognition. I can see where she’s coming from. Despite the fact that, as she points out, in 2019 cozy mystery was the second-best selling genre on Amazon, I still have to explain the term to 99% of the people I meet. (Of course, I don’t really mind explaining it. It’s a fun excuse to start talking about quirky towns and heroines with niche talents.)

In any case, as I was saying. Not only is it Cozy Mystery Day, it is the launch day for the Sisters in Crime anthology Justice for All! People can now officially pay money for — and hold in their hands — a story I wrote (among others)! I haven’t received my author copies yet, so I’m still not sure I believe it. But on that note, thank you to everyone who came to the Zoom launch event last night. 🙂 It was a blast to hear the other anthology authors talk about their work, and fortunately, I managed not to go on about merfolk too much. If you missed the event, you can find a recording here. I’m in the fourth author group, about an hour into the event, but all the other authors are very interesting as well (and the host, Sarah, did a great job with the questions!).

Well, I think that’s enough of me talking. Go out and read a cozy mystery! 😀

(And if you want to check out the anthology, find it on Amazon or Kindle or reach out to me!)