I’ve actually written about roses before–that time, it was for fairy tale symbolism (hello, Beauty and the Beast!). In that post, I went more deeply into the meanings associated with roses. Today, I’d like to share a more–shall we say practical?–side of roses. 😉

If you got a bouquet for Valentine’s Day and you’re wondering what to do with them now, you have options . . .

  • Dry the flowers, grind them up, and mix them into a love potion
  • Weave the flowers into a crown and wear it while performing love spells (maybe remove the thorns first, though!)
  • Distill the petals down into rose water and mix it into a luxurious bath
  • Use dried rosebuds to make a tea that will promote lucid dreams
  • Practice some divination: pick one green leaf to symbolize each of your love interests, write their name on the leaf, and then let the leaves dry. The leaf that remains green the longest represents the most promising prospect for love!
  • Keep rosewater on hand to add to a wet compress for relieving headaches
  • Carry a rose flower for good luck
  • Sprinkle the petals around the house to alleviate stress at home
  • If you happened to receive a potted rose plant and plan on adding it to your garden, folklore has it that roses grow best when stolen . . . Just saying! 😉

A myriad of options! These all come straight from Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (2nd edition, 2020), and I’m positive you can find many more ideas–both crafty and magical–online. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you enjoy your roses! (And don’t forget to smell them? Hmmm . . . okay, I’ll leave the pun alone.) 😀

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