The last (or in fact, the first!) post dealt with my journey to this point. Now, I’d like to peek into the future.

My main goal for this blog is to empower myself and others through the publishing process.

And toward that end, I’m envisioning . . .

  • posts about various aspects of trying to get published. Sifting through information on the web and in books? Yep. Relating funny and sometimes embarrassing stories? Most likely. Writing queries, submitting to contests, and stressing over what exactly should my comparable titles be? Definitely.
  • on that note, I’ll try to keep the Resources page updated with anything useful I’ve found!
  • occasional posts about world-building and crafting mysteries. The project I’m focusing on this year is finishing and editing a cozy mystery novel — my first. So there’s sure to be a lot of learning going on, and that’ll be reflected here too.
  • and on that note, I may share some short cozy stories on the Stories page!
  • a specialized series of shorter posts on some of the research I’m doing for my characters. For example, one of my main characters is an alchemist — something I am not! So in writing that character, I’ve had to do a lot of poking around the edges of the mysterious behemoth that is Alchemy, and some of the things I’ve found are too fun not to share.
  • and probably all sorts of other things I can’t even imagine now.

I’ve written other blogs before, and I know well that they can take on new directions and new life all the time. I’m looking forward to growing with this one!