Last week I introduced the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum, which we’ll be “touring” this month via blog post. 😉 In that first post, we stayed on the ground floor, in the apothecary’s shop. Today we’re moving upstairs into the laboratory . . .

And for today’s fun fact: when you have that many ingredients to store (the walls were lined with those cubbies!), how do you organize it all? By symptom, maybe, or by alphabetical order even?

Well, not quite. The categories don’t have anything to do with medicine. Instead, they have to do with where the ingredient came from. There was a bank of shelves for bark-derived ingredients, for example, and another for flowers, and one for roots. You can see more of what I mean here:

And just like in the store below, you have to be careful which ingredients you chose . . .

I’ll leave you with that for today! Next week we’ll hang out in the workshop a little more and talk about how they actually made medicine. Until then, stay safe!