The fall equinox—which this year is [Saturday, September 23]!—marks the beginning of autumn. It’s also the pagan holiday Mabon.
A bit of plant lore for all the plant parents out there this Mother’s Day weekend! Enjoy, everyone–and beware . . .
What exactly is the Green Man, and where did he come from? Some questions are easier to answer than others . . .
A bit of fun just in time for April Fool’s Day. The poisson d’avril makes its appearance for another year!
As it turns out, the luck that the leprechaun is most concerned with is his own. You’re probably better off creating your own luck, too.
Did you get roses for Valentine’s Day? Well, put them to good use now! A look at folkloric uses for roses in love spells and divination.
A recap of the love notes, affirmations, tips, and permissions we received from the Pomegranate Café for Valentine’s Day!
Why *do* we trade chocolates on Valentine’s Day? A look at cacao’s history reveals it’s just too tasty a tradition to give up!
A quick look at the popularity and effectiveness of resolutions, along with my own musings for a new year on the blog!
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