Like a lighthouse beacon that flashes once every two weeks, my newsletter will be beaming through the skies later today!

When I first launched my newsletter, I never explained why. The reason is simple: as an author, my Facebook page belongs to Facebook, my Twitter feed belongs to Twitter, but a email list is mine. If a social media site goes down or if there’s trouble with my account, I still have a way to reach people. It’s the most reliable method of communication I have — even if it happens less frequently than Instagram updates. 😉

All across the internet, you can find that message: authors and business owners need to have email newsletters.

But what do newsletter lists do for the people who give up their emails to them?

Well, that seems to vary from author to author. Some benefits I’ve seen include:

  • keeping up with news from a favorite author
  • learning (writing tips, publishing advice, etc)
  • writing prompts and games
  • interviews and book recommendations
  • flash sales or giveaways

I personally haven’t ventured into giveaways yet (2022, for sure!). And I’m still so new at everything that I don’t have a lot of advice to hand out. (In fact, if you have advice or suggestions for me, I’m happy to hear them!) But I do work hard to make my newsletter fun and entertaining, often with a puzzle or book recommendation thrown in. And above all, I just love sharing this new world with others.

Oh yeah, and the Carousel Capers. 🙂 The fourth short story in the series, and its accompanying coloring page, will come out later this afternoon! If you haven’t yet subscribed, you can do so here.

In the meantime, here’s a few newsletters I love. Enjoy!