. . . Than the sword. But only if you know how to use it, right?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about using the power of the pen — not to duel people, but to connect with them. 🙂 Throughout the years I’ve had a variety of blogs on different topics, so the whole set-up-a-wordpress-and-write-what-comes-to-mind gig feels familiar. That’s how I’ve started out here, with this new project and site! But as I’ve mentioned before, I’m thinking of transitioning to — or, more likely, adding in — a newsletter.

Here’s the basic difference, as I see it:

A blog is fairly static (especially these days). It can be like the old MySpace idea of a virtual diary, or it can be an in-depth resource for others, but either way, the interaction with readers is usually small. A blog, even an active one, is an archive.

A newsletter is more active. This is something that the author writes (or curates) and sends out to a specific audience, the much-coveted “email list.” There can be puzzles, games, lessons, news, resource links, event calendars, shoutouts, updates, contests — and often it all culminates in a request for readers to buy in: either literally buying a book (or other product), or more intangibly becoming an advocate for the brand. In the book world, that means leaving reviews, requesting copies at the library, etc. Now, a newsletter doesn’t have to overtly ask you to buy things. My favorite ones, the ones that have really “worked” on me, never ask me outright to buy anything. But the idea behind the newsletter is to support the business. If a blog is an archive, a newsletter is an outreach program.

Are my museum roots showing in my analogies? 🙂

Other, far more successful writers than I have also given this their attention! There’s an encouraging article here at The Write Life and one here from Jane Friedman.

I still have a lot to learn about both forms of communication, but more and more, I’m leaning towards a newsletter or a combination of the two. The way I see it, if I take the leap and try something new, I:

  • can be more accessible for people who may enjoy a newsletter, but don’t want to sign up for a blog
  • can branch out into different kinds of content! Crossword puzzle creators, here I come 😀
  • can be more responsive & direct with readers
  • can mess around, figure out the system, make mistakes, and establish habits now before it’s time to hit the ground running with book launches and the like (knock on wood!)

Either way, none of this will be happening tomorrow; it’ll take time. But this is where my thoughts are going at the moment. Stay tuned!