You know when you get back to work after time away, and it feels like everything has been shifted two inches to the right? Or maybe the desk has shrunk just a tiny bit, and somehow minutes aren’t as long as they were before you left. This week I’ve been wrestling with a bit of that.

It isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Because of my refreshed perspective, I’ve updated the website and made a few big decisions! These include (drumroll please):

  • Adhering to more of a schedule. Prior to this, the only real schedule I’ve kept is Friday Fun Facts; my other posts went up when the mood struck. I made that choice originally because I knew from previous experience that keeping to a blog schedule can become taxing, especially when you’ve got a bunch of other things going on. I stand by that choice for something that’s a hobby or a sideline. However, when I started this site my goal was to take writing more seriously as a career. To honor that, I’m going to take the blog more seriously too. (Schedule-wise. Blog experts everywhere agree that you shouldn’t try to write a blog as someone you’re not, and I can’t write much more seriously than this. 🙂 Not for very long anyway!) So, from here on out, we’re looking at Tuesday and Friday posts.
  • Starting a newsletter. On one hand I am super excited about this; on the other, I’m terrified! I’ll go into more details about this next week (to be honest, you all will probably be hearing about this for a while!). It’s not replacing the blog; essentially, it’s the next evolution of the blog. The next step up the mountain, one might say. 🙂 Newsletters are more versatile, more marketable, and more directly controlled by the author. Plus, thanks to templates and design options, they just look snazzier.

I’ve also decided to be more proactive about social media. On the website’s homepage, I’ve added links to Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, and Pinterest . . . Now, as far as I’m concerned, Twitter is the least interesting of those. I like Pinterest for personal use, but my blog page there is still super new. Meanwhile I started on Goodreads back at the beginning of the year and really enjoy the fact that it’s now a record of books I’ve read! Instagram has been surprisingly fun, too, and I like connecting with the community there. 🙂

Thanks for being here throughout these growing pains, and stay tuned for more!