Tag History

A Fairy for Luck

As it turns out, the luck that the leprechaun is most concerned with is his own. You’re probably better off creating your own luck, too.

Book Review: “Her magic was the science of her time”

We kick off our 2023 nonfiction book review series with a look at the second edition of Witches, Midwives, and Nurses.

A Tasty Treat: The Yule Log

Part four of a holiday series on traditional symbols and fun. Enjoy!

Meet Me Under the Mistletoe

Part of an ongoing series on Yule traditions. Today we’re talking mistletoe!

Love and Joy Come to You

A Yule-themed fun fact today, all about the origins of wassail!

Yule Blog 1: Origins

Part of a holiday-themed series where we dive deep into some traditional symbols and practices!

Seasonal Turvy Fun Coming Up!

Keep an eye out for some turvy fun tomorrow!

A Tour’s End

The conclusion to our three-part tour of the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum!

The Apothecary’s Workshop

Our tour of the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum continues upstairs!

A Real-Life Alchemist

Part One of a visit to the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum!

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